Monday 19 March 2012

Social Media

   Have you ever wondered if using social media sites are good or bad for you? Most people should already have an existing social media account. You may be wondering if social media sites are positive or negative sites. Social Media sites are being used everywhere by everyone. My opinion on this matter is I believe social media sites is great to use even if there are some safety concerns to be aware of.

   You may be wondering what is social media sites. Social media sites are sites that people use for communications, for fun, or to stay connected to friends or families. The top five most popular social media sites most people use is Facebook (750 million users), Qzone (480 million users), Twitter (200 million users), Renren (160 million users), and Vkontakte (135 million users). These numbers are still about to climb in the following years. What I think about social media sites, is it kind of depends what you’re using social media sites for. I personally enjoy using social media sites because I like to stay connected.
   Some negative things about using social media sites is the bullying, the name-calling, and the rumors that start up. People can use social media sites especially, Facebook to hurt each other. Sure, some sites allow blocking people, but these can't stop the rumors from being passed. Another thing is, being online on the computers on social media sites doesn't give you exercise you need to keep you healthy. Being on social media sites doesn't allow you to face to face chat for real in person. Also, instead of chatting face to face and on online, people can misinterpret what someone actually means. If you’re a kid or a teen, or an adult even, you still don't know what site links can give you viruses to your computer, meaning your increasing the chance of downloading a virus onto your computer. When your using a social media site, you may be thinking its okay to give out your personal information to friends or family because you know them, but are you sure they are real and not fake. Social media sites aren't always safe, you could get hacked and lose all your personal information. Social media sites can also ruin relationships. Another negative reason about social media sites is people are now using short form words like 'lol' or 'ttyl',etc. Many of these social media sites allow you to post photos or videos and some images can get in appreciate which can ruin your life later on when getting a job. One simple click of a button 'post' and anyone will be able to see that. So many celebrities use social media sites and that influence people to sign up for these sites even for under age users with just a click of a fake birthday (age).

  Some people use social media sites for good reasons, which is an excellent way to show how well social media sites can be used for. People use social media sites such as Facebook to stay connected to friends. If you have long distance relatives who you never get to see then using social media sites are good for that. Some even provide web-cam chat which is awesome and messaging. Social media sites is also a great way to pass around news from your friends. Technology now involving social media sites are great ways to pass around world wide news or get the latest updates of what’s going on. What’s excellent about social media sites is that it allows you contacts outside your world. Being on the computer and on social media sites allows you to learn valuable computer skills. Social media sites have great security features and will make your personal information safe. I mean if that still doesn't make you feel about your information being safe, then don't put it up cause they can't make you put information up if you don't want too. Celebrities use social media also and if they feel safe about it, so should you. Did you know Facebook which is a social media site was used to help solve a robbery? There was this man who broke into a boys home and stole his cash, new coat, and a laptop and since he was stupid, he took a photo of him with the cash and uploaded the photo onto the boys Facebook account and he then logged out and signed on to his own. Social media sites are great ways to share fun photos to your friends and families showing how much fun you had there.

socialmediaicons In my opinion, I find social media perfectly awesome, depending on what you use it for. It can be for good, but if your using it in a bad way, social media isn't going to be awesome for you, it might even land you in some kind of trouble. Best thing to do is stay out of it and enjoy your usage of the sites. Social media sites are great like Facebook which millions of people use, including me, but if your worried about hacking, then you should have a super, strong safe password. So there you have it, you have my opinion, the pros and cons of social media sites, and how many people use social media sites.In conclusion, are you going to be using social media sites?


My class and I checked out this site video about Facebook Follies and thought you should check/watch it: .


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