Monday 16 January 2012

The writing with Voice

   One very late night day with the winds howling hard, I was driving home from work on a lonely,dark street. I parked my car in my garage and got out with the winds trying to sweep me away. When I finally got up to the door and unlocked it, I heard something really strange like a flower vase crashing over. Since I was really tired, I ignored it and went to the kitchen to check that my cat, Bailey ate all her food drank all her water and didn't make a mess. Next, I went to the living room and turned on the TV. Bailey was there napping like a cutie as usual on one of the fancy pillows. I headed upstairs and when to the bathroom and showered and cleaned myself up. Before I entered though, I thought I heard a door open and close, but I decided to ignore it. When I got out and was ready for bed, I headed downstairs to pick up my cat, but the lights were all out and the TV was off which were creepy since I left everything on. So I walked cautiously down the creaky stairs.All of a sudden, the TV was back on and I looked towards the fancy pillow and Bailey was gone! I started panicking and checking all her hiding places, but Bailey was gone. When I looked towards the back door, I found one of her booties. I started freaking out! I quickly ran back upstairs and threw on my outdoor clothing  and threw on a coat and headed outside. As I was out the door, I quickly ran back in and grabbed her favourite kitty treats. I poured a huge pile of kitty treats on the back porch and ran all around checking her hiding place while also spilling kitty treats everywhere. When I got to the front of the house and onto the side walk, I screamed and hollered with worry: "Bailey!! My sweet little
 cherry-bomb, please come home! Mommy misses you!!! Bailey! Bailey, just please please come home!" All I got in reply was a bark from a dog and a stray black cat meowing in the distance and crossing the street which made me cry. As I started to fight against the wind to get back inside, the stray cat meowed and purred and went up against my leg for my attention. I finally got what it was asking me, to follow it. So I followed the black cat probably full of fleas and that lead me to the only barking dog earlier. A huge guard dog to a haunted house! Luckily it was on a chain so it tried to get at me, it couldn't. I decided to stay far away from the dog and creep around to the windows. There I saw my cat, Bailey all filthy and lost all, but one bootie! I cried with joy. All of a sudden though, 2 masked strangers and the guard dog were rounded a corner and started to come at me. I ran the other way carrying my precious cat. With the wind battling against me, I ran and ran all the way to my safe home and locked all the doors and windows. I felt no need to call the cops since the masked strangers were probably gone. I felt so tired, but the cat was so un-cleaned that it bugged my so I  cleaned the cat and then headed to bed. The next morning, I woke up with Bailey and feed her and went to work. For the rest of Bailey's life, everything was normal and Bailey enjoyed the feeling being treated like a princess!

Alternate Ending: The next morning, I woke up with a huge head-ache and I wasn't even in my comfy, cozy bed instead I was on the cold hard floor. I felt like my head was bleeding so I reached a hand up and there was blood.I screamed and screamed and called the cops. My house was a huge mess and I knew Bailey was gone. By mid-afternoon, I received a ransom phone call demanding me to pay $10,000 if I want to see my cat again alive! Good thing I called the cops this morning and they traced the phone call.

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