In the year of 2011, many of events happened that I am sure no one will ever forget. Some of these events were tragic, people were affected by the weather, some lost loved one, some countries leaders were dictators, but not all these event were sad. Some events were happy moments that will be remembered, like the Royal Marriage. Another significant event was when Osama Bin Laden was killed. The top three most memorable moments/events that I'll remember the most would be the Royal Marriage, Japan's earthquake and the tsunami that followed afterwards, and Gabrielle Giffords survival.

Another important event that would be most memorable to me would be the terrible tragedy that happened in Japan on Friday, March 11th, 2011. An earthquake erupted in Japan and a tsunami followed afterwards. The earthquake was ranked a magnitude 9.0. The earthquake was a very powerful. It was one five most powerful earthquake in the world since 1990. The earthquake then triggered a powerful tsunami. The waves reached up to 40.5 meters high (133ft). The tsunami caused a number of nuclear accidents, primarily at the three reactors in the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant complex. The Japanese police confirmed that over 125,000 homes or buildings either destroyed (swept away) or damaged, about 15,844 people died, 5,890 people were injured, and about 3,451 people were missing. The roads, railways, and fires that the earthquake and tsunami caused were heavy damage. This was a huge devastation to the Japanese and many lives were lost. This will be forever remembered. The tragedy was also an important event because people all over the world were affected.
Another important event revolved around a 40 year old US Congresswomen who was nearly killed on January 8th ,2011. Gabrielle Giffords survival was amazing. How she survived was a true miracle. At a public meeting in Tucson, Arizona, Gabrielle was shot at very close right at the head. The bullet entered from the back-left portion of her brain and exited through the front left portion. A small chunk of her skull needed to be removed so the brain could have room to swell without further damage, but the part has been replaced now. The doctors said, "if the bullet had crossed to the left and right side of the brain, the outcome would have been different". Luckily though, the bullet missed many of the brains critical structures and major blood vessels. Since the left side of the brain controls your right side human movements, Gabrielle will be having difficulty speaking and interpreting speech. Gabrielle Giffords is not fully recovered yet, but she was strong and re-learned the basics fast and she traveled. This was just truly amazing since your chance of surviving was slim two thirds chances even if you don't die right away, you'll die on the way to medical attention. This influenced people by having hope that even if you get shot, you may still be able to survive.
All I have to say about the year of 2011 is that it was a really surprising year with many events that happened, I'm not saying just about the world-wide news, but my life too. I don't think I can predict what the year of 2012 is going to bring or what will happen in my life, but I do know that the year will be fun, exciting, and unpredictable. A couple of things I hope the year of 2012 will bring into my life is less drama (everyone just be friends) and more traveling with my family. I believe a lot could happen if we just all keep a open mind.
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