Monday 30 January 2012

My Life like a Sound Track

My assignment was to write about 3 events and relate it to a song. Well I done that. Heres a link to my glogster poster :
Hope you like it! If the text reading is a bit too small for you, read it on here then:

   In the last 2 years, my first travel trip was to China. I was anxious to get there and the plane ride to be over. I also felt nervous because it will be the first time my brother and I ever saw our relatives face to face. When my plane finally landed in China, I felt excited, but scared since it was dark. I was scared of someone just randomly jump out of the bushes and kidnap me in the lonely parking lot. On the way to my Aunt’s and Uncle’s place the city was lit up in colourful lights which was a very cheerful scenery. While in China, I got to travel with my cousins and my brother to Shanghai, which I found exciting, but really scary since my tour guide didn’t speak English or the Chinese language I usually speak and there were tons of people. When I was in China, I learned that I never felt what it was like to love someone so close to your heart, but you argue with a lot to lose him and that was my brother. Later on in the middle of the month near the middle of my travel, I found out from my brother that my little cousin liked me, but I extremely hated his personality and so did my brother. With the help of my brother, I eventually broke his heart, but I know he still has feelings for me.
   The song that I can relate to the most about my trip to China is “Breakaway” by Kelly Clarkson. The reason I find the song relating to my trip to China is because certain parts of the song stuck out to me: “I'll make a wish, Take a chance, Make a change, And breakaway, Out of the darkness and into the sun, But I won't forget all the ones that I love”, “Wanna feel the warm breeze”, ”Get onboard a fast train”, “Buildings with a hundred floors”, and “Maybe I don't know where they'll take me, but Gotta keep moving on, moving on”. These parts stuck out to me because this trip was about taking some time to visit relatives who never saw me person to person before and to relax and explore. This song was sung in a passionate voice full of wanting freedom.

    In 2 years, I am hoping that I will be able to get my drivers license. Getting a drivers license will be really exciting and important for me because I’ll be in a car driving with huge pressure, but I’ll probably remain calm. Although I’ll probably be nervous, but I hope I pass the writing test and not fail like my brother because if I pass the first time, he’ll be the only one in the family who failed. Since my birthday is in the Winter time, I’ll probably go in and get my testing done around the middle of January and in February, March (hopefully no snow),I’ll take a driving school course. I believe I will be scared to drive in the Winter time since the roads will be slippery and covered with snow. Overall, except for the driving in the Winter time, I believe I will be pretty excited to get my own car with my own drivers license. I am completely anxious to get my drivers license and travel.
   The song I can probably relate to with this event is “Proud” by Heather Small. The reason I find this song relating to my event is because I’m going to be so proud of myself when I get my drivers license finally after wishing for it so long. The parts that stuck out to me to think about this relating to my event is “I'm on my way, Can't stop me now, And you can do the same (yeah)”, “What have you done today to make you feel proud?, It's never too late to try” and “Still so many answers I don't know (there are so many answers), Realize that to question is how we grow (to question is to grow)”. These parts stuck out to me because I have to believe in myself that I can get my drivers license and that nothing can stand in my way.  

    In June, there will be an upcoming graduation which means moving onto high school for me and the graduating class. I’m sure the graduation will be exciting and happy for me since it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity to graduate out of elementary school so everything should go happily. It’ll also be sad to see my friends move onto separate paths, but I’m sure the girls will still keep in touch hopefully. I believe starting in high school will be a lot tougher, harder, more stressful which worries me, but aside from that, I’m sure high school will be a happy and exciting time from what I hear. High school will probably freak me out at first since I’m going to be new, don’t know my way around, and making new friends if your not too good at that. Its already kind of scary to even think about it since you don’t know what your expecting while being in elementary school, you know all the teachers and what they are like. One thing, I am hoping to do is keep an open mind and hope for an exciting year in high school.

   The song that I can relate to the most to this event isHold Onto The Memories by Corey Tynan. The reason I find this song relating to my event is because I hope nobody forgets the time they had in the elementary school year. The parts that stuck out to me is “Memories fade, but they're never lost, Colors change with time and change of heart”, “Everything I know is behind me, I'm starting a new life, I just don't want to say goodbye”, “The sun has set on everything we know, Friends we've made, I don't want to let go, After everything that we have learned, It's our time now, it's our turn” and “The lights go dim as we suddenly see, It's time to find who we're meant to be, We couldn't wait for this to end, Now we wish we could start again”. These parts stuck out to me because its about moving on being un-sured where this path will lead you, but memories will be remembered along the way.

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