Monday 13 February 2012

Free Post: Valentine's Day

For me Free Post, after like 3 posts, I have finally decided to write about Valentine's Day since its tomorrow!

 What does Valentine's Day mean to you? Valentine's Day means celebrating the romantic love of couples or marriages. A question that really curiouses me is why do some people hate Valentine's Day? Like I get some of the reasons, being alone, break-up, hearts, pink or red, think its too girly,e.t.c, but why? I personally find it really cute,romantic,and sweet even if you don't have somebody to love you on Valentine's Day, but at least you have family or can't you just be happy for others.

Here's why we celebrate Valentine's Day, 'Saint Valentine's Day, commonly shortened to Valentine's Day, is a holiday observed on February 14 honoring one or more early Christian martyrs named Saint Valentine. The day first became associated with romantic love in the circle of Geoffrey Chaucer in the High Middle Ages, when the tradition of courtly love flourished.'

You may wonder 'What does Valentines day mean and where does it come from?' Well this is the answer I got, 'Valentine was a priest in ancient Rome and the soldiers of Rome were not allowed to marry, but he broke the Roman law and married Roman soldiers as well as passed notes between the men and they ladies they loved'.

Many of you must be familiar who/what Cupid is,right? Well if you don't, not to worry. Cupid is the god of love. He is represented by being the winged boy with bows and arrows which he uses to wound his victims.

Now a days, on Valentine's Day, people give flowers, chocolates, candy grams, greeting cards, now called valentines. If you didn't know that,well I guess you have learned something from this post and should join in the fun of Valentine's Day.

Happy Valentines Day, Everyone!

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